Critères généraux
Producteur : Hal LeonardHisaishi - Ghibli Ref : GTW01090954trompette et piano recueil avec CD.SONGLIST
1. Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind - Opening Theme
2. The Girl Who Fell From the Sky
3. Doves and the Boy
4. My Neighbor Totoro
5. Hey Let's Go
6. Cat Bus
7. The Path of the Win
8. A Town with an Ocean View
9. on a Clear Day
10. Departure
11. Starting the Job
12. The Theme of Marco and Gina
13. Le Temps des cerises
14. Princess Mononoke
15. The Legend of Ashitaka
16. Ashitaka and San
17. Always with Me
18. Reprise
19. Merry-Go-Round of Life
20. Therru's Song
21. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
22. Arrietty’s Song
23. Summer of Farewells - From Up On Poppy Hill
24. Hikoukigumo(Vapor Trail) 25
25. Fine on the Outside.
37.00 € / unité
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